Sweet Home 3D versions

Design a house, furnish it and see the result in 3D
Aug 23, 2024
Jun 1, 2024
May 15, 2014
Jul 28, 2021
Mar 3, 2021
Jul 24, 2020
Apr 16, 2020
Jul 12, 2019
Jan 24, 2019
Mar 10, 2012
Jan 25, 2018
Editorial review
Oct 26, 2017
Sep 7, 2017
Jan 31, 2017
Editorial review
Jun 26, 2016
Feb 18, 2016
Editorial review
Oct 6, 2015
Feb 16, 2012
Editorial review
Feb 3, 2015
Oct 23, 2014
Jun 12, 2014
Jan 15, 2014
Oct 31, 2013
Jun 3, 2013
Mar 22, 2013
Oct 25, 2012
Sep 7, 2012
Apr 29, 2012
Dec 21, 2011
Jul 27, 2011
Apr 23, 2011
Feb 14, 2011
Dec 1, 2010
Aug 24, 2010
Jun 22, 2010
Sep 20, 2009
Jun 6, 2009
Sep 20, 2009
Apr 6, 2009
Editorial review
Dec 9, 2008
Editorial review
Jan 3, 2011
Oct 8, 2008
Editorial review
Apr 30, 2008

What's new

v7.4 [Jun 1, 2024]
Fixed a bug introduced in version 7.2 where the elevation of furniture rotated around a horizontal axis wasn't correctly computed.
Fixed program hanging when the 3D view is attached back to a main window displayed on a second monitor.
Fixed a bug which prevented to open a file showing its 3D view detached on a second monitor under macOS.
Allowed to reset the description of a piece of furniture in its modification dialog box.
Fixed CSV export of furniture containing an empty description or license.

v7.0.90.5 [May 15, 2014]
- Fixed wrong layout of the second step in Furniture import wizard for a few cases under Windows.
- Filled rooms which have an invisible floor with a more transparent color in the plan.
- Fixed transparency of rooms in SVG export.
- Used a screenshot for the icon image created at the end of Furniture import wizard under Windows.
- Kept the 3D view detached from the main window at reopening if it's partially visible.
- Fixed wrong connections of a split wall when two walls are connected to each other.
- Added YafaRay libraries in Mac OS X 10.4-10.9 installer.
- Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

v6.6 [Jul 28, 2021]
- New set of icons designed by madudesign.
- Optimized icons display for HiDPI / Retina screens.
- Other minor enhancements.

v6.5 [Mar 3, 2021]
- Added information about Java and Java 3D providers in About dialog box.
- Added com.eteks.sweethome3d.singleInstance system property which makes each launch of Sweet Home 3D run in a separated process when set to false.
- Fixed toggling magnetism when Alt key is released under Windows.
- Fixed a drawing bug of solid polyline joints.
- Adjusted the image scale of items of the plan copied to the clipboard to prevent out of memory errors.
- Accepted DAE files with empty mesh sources.
- Fixed a bug which removed the color or texture of a wall adjacent to a modified room.
- Fixed the top view in the plan of the mirrored furniture rotated around its Y axis.
- Used lower case for texture names exported to OBJ format to avoid possible conflicts on case insensitive systems.
- Fixed the deletion of folders in work directory when they contain subfolders.
- Ensured the message about version updates is displayed in front of preferences dialog under macOS.
- Added preferences to manage IDs and item names in SH3F and SH3T files in the Furniture Library Editor and Textures Library Editor.
- Added the ability to read default catalogs contained in Furniture.jar and Textures.jar files with the Furniture and Textures Library Editors.
- Added native support for Apple Silicon computers running with ARM processors.
- Notarized Sweet Home 3D installer under macOS.
- Replaced Oracle JRE 8u202 bundled in Sweet Home 3D installer by Azul OpenJDK 11.0.10 under Windows 64 bit and Azul OpenJDK 15.0.2 under Mac OS X ≥ 10.9.
- Upgraded JOGL library running with Java 3D 1.6.1 to version 2.4 RC 20210111 to ensure compatibility of Sweet Home 3D and Furniture Library Editor with Java 9 and above, but forcing these applications to use Java version ≥ 8 under Mac OS X ≥ 10.9 as well as with Java Web Start.
- Replaced Java 3D version 1.6.1 by version 1.5.2 for the distributions running with Apple Java 6 under Mac OS X 10.4 to 10.9.
- Updated the Ant scripts of Sweet Home 3D and Library Editors to allow project compilation with JDK 9 and above.
- Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

v6.4 [Jul 24, 2020]
- Fixed an issue which detached joined walls, when split with Plan > Split wall menu item or recomputed with room modification pane.
- Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements in Sweet Home 3D and Sweet Home 3D JS Editor.

v6.3 [Apr 16, 2020]
- Added the Select object / Toggle selection menu item in the contextual menu of the 3D view to select or deselect the object under the mouse cursor with a right click.
- Enabled reordering selected items in the furniture list with a drag-and-drop.
- Added temporary dimension lines along a resized wall.
- Added temporary dimension lines during the move of a room point with a diagonal dimension to allow triangulation.
- Increased the maximum scale in the plan.
- Added support for math expressions in values entered in editable plan tooltips.
- Optimized the handling of 3D models made of repeated small parts like some trees found on 3D Warehouse.
- Improved the management of Sweet Home 3D window size after opening a file saved with its window maximized under macOS.
- Fixed some computing issues on 3D polylines with very large coordinates and wall sides with a null length.
- Fixed double actions provoked by shortcuts on some non Latin keyboards.
- Fixed an issue where some menu items didn't appear after a right click in the plan.
- Fixed color setting on lines of 3D models in Sweet Home 3D JS Viewer.
- Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

v6.2 [Jul 12, 2019]
- Fixed a bug which prevented from modifying a piece of furniture in Virtual visit mode, after adding that piece to a group in Aerial view mode.
- Fixed the totals update after a price change of a piece belonging to a furniture group.
- Fixed a bug which prevented from changing a textured material to white color.
- Fixed horizontal and vertical alignment while moving room or furniture names with the mouse and the Shift key pressed.
- Added Adjustable searchable tag to find more easily an adjustable 3D model among the 87 available ones.
- After Select all at all levels menu item is chosen, exported all selected items to OBJ format whether they belong to a level visible in the 3D view or not.
- Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

v6.1.2 [Jan 24, 2019]
- Fixed a regression that prevented from changing the dash style of polylines.
- Other minor bugs fixes.

v6.0 [Mar 10, 2012]
- Added the ability to rotate and slide openings and light spots.
- Added a mannequin which can be articulated.
- Replaced the 24 3D models contributed under LAL license in the default catalog by new models under GNU GPL / CC-BY license.
- Updated rotating and sliding parts in the 3D model of doors, windows and furniture to support new rotation and translation capabilities.
- Added price management with currency choice and optional sales tax in preferences pane, new Price and Sales tax % fields in furniture modification pane, total prices displayed below the home furniture list and new columns to display price information in this list.
- Added the ability to calculate math expressions in numeric fields.
- Added Plan > Flip horizontally and Plan > Flip vertically menu items.
- Added support for multi line and text alignment in text modification pane.
- Added X offset and Y offset spinner in texture modification pane to shift textures.
- Enabled multi selection of materials in materials modification pane to change them by group.
- Added Dash offset spinner in polyline modification pane to shift the pattern of dashed polylines.
- Allowed polylines to be displayed in the 3D view.
- Added an option in 3D view modification pane to view background image in 3D view at ground level.
- Added Plan > Make level the only viewable one and Plan > Make all levels viewable menu items.
- Displayed level menu items in a separate contextual menu bound to level tabs.
- Managed Ctrl modifier (alt or option under macOS) to resize the selected piece of furniture only along its width or its depth.
- Added a new indicator in the middle of the selected wall to easily change its curve.
- Displayed wall arc length in the tool tip associated to Arc extent field in wall modification pane.
- Allowed sloping walls to have a minimum height equal to 0 on one end.
- Added 2.40:1 image ratio and updated video formats.
- Saved column widths of the furniture list to restore them at home opening.
- Made underground objects of a group individually dig the ground in the 3D view.
- Increased Z-buffer depth to 24 bit when supported, to simplify the management of the front and back limits of the frustrum in the 3D view.
- Ensured equirectangular images are correctly mapped in the 3D view when used as sky texture.
- Forced CSV export encoding to UTF-8 on all systems and added com.eteks.sweethome3d.CSVEncoding system property to set the encoding to another value for backward compatibility.
- Checked SH3D files start by ZIP magic number after a file is saved to warn users for rare fail cases.
- Fixed angle of grouped furniture according to the angle of leading selected piece.
- Fixed furniture and texture libraries loading under Java 10.
- Improved HiDPI screens detection with Java 8/10 under Windows / Linux / macOS to automatically scale the user interface.
- Updated Java 3D version to 1.6.1 to support HiDPI screens under Java 10.
- Optimized 3D walls update after the move of a door or a window.
- Added sunjce_provider.jar library to installation programs to allow access to web sites with https.
- Added architecture 32/64 bit radio buttons in Windows installer and selected 32 bit by default under Windows 10 64 bit.
- Added support for ARM64 architecture in Windows installer.
- Upgraded Inno Setup to its Unicode version to support more easily non Latin languages in Windows installer.
- Bundled macOS installer with Oracle Java 8 and added an other installer based on Apple Java 6 for Mac OS X 10.6/10.7 users.
- Replaced JRE 8u162 by JRE 8u181 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java.
- Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

v5.7.1 [Jan 25, 2018]
Added a preview component to file choosers used to select an image under Windows and Linux.
Managed user defined furniture properties added to catalogs read by Sweet Home 3D and read/saved by Furniture Library Editor.
Fixed the visibility of horizontally rotated objects at upper levels.
Fixed the size in the plan of a copied-pasted object which is horizontally rotated.
Fixed a bug that prevented to group unresizable furniture or read a SH3D file saved with a previous version which contained such objects.
Fixed the display of furniture catalog and furniture list when scrolling under Mac OS X 10.13 with Java 6.
Fixed Window menu management under Mac OS X with Java 8.
Replaced JRE 8u152 by JRE 8u162 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java.
Converted CVS repository on SourceForge.net to SVN (sorry for the dead links to sweethome3d.cvs.sf.net server that this change implies).
Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

v5.6.1 [Oct 26, 2017]
Fixed a bug that prevented to export to CSV format.
Fixed the size of furniture in subgroups when their parent group is resized.
Fixed wrongly computed threshold of doors larger than the side of a room.
Improved printing performances under Mac OS X with Java 8u152.
Replaced JRE 8u144 by JRE 8u152 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java.
Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

v5.4.1 [Jan 31, 2017]
Version 5.4, January 31, 2017
Set the minimum value of visitor's field of view to 2°.
Fixed wrongly displayed rectangular textures when rotated.
Fixed a bug that prevented to close the Untitled window after opening a file under Mac OS X.
Fixed a bug that applied the resolution scale factor too many times on user interface.
Fixed a bug that prevented to move the points of a polyline.
Replaced JRE 8u112 by JRE 8u121 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java under Linux.
Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

v5.3.1 [Jun 26, 2016]
Ensured that the selected items are visible in the plan after using Zoom in or Zoom out tools.
Changed how textures on borders of room floors are displayed so they never look distorted.
Displayed walls with half transparent pattern while drawing them or while placing doors and windows, when a background image is used.
Initialized the scale and origin of background images imported at new levels with the values of the background image available at the closest level.
Improved the mouse management of the virtual visitor in plan at small scales.
Added a Home.xml entry validated by the DTD SweetHome3D.dtd to SH3D files, and added file association for future SH3X files.
Added HomeObject super class to let developers manage their own properties on home objects.
Copied texture image files at OBJ format export instead of generating new ones.
Fixed the area computation of rooms drawn with a hole in their middle.
Fixed blocking errors that happened for textured floors in the plan with Java 7/8 under Ubuntu.
Fixed the color of menu items under Ubuntu and better drag and drop support under Linux using Java 8.
Upgraded Java 3D version to 1.6.0 fcs / JOGL 2.3.2 for Windows and Linux versions, and for the Mac OS X version run with Java 7/8.
Displayed Java 3D version in About dialog box.
Added Sweet Home 3D icon in installation folder under Linux.
Replaced JRE 8u74 by JRE 8u51 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java under Windows.
Replaced JRE 6u45 by JRE 8u112 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java under Linux.
Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

v5.2 [Feb 18, 2016]
09/15/2016 - Discover the results of Sweet Home 3D summer survey.
05/05/2016 - View your home in 3D in recent browsers with the Export to HTML5 plug-in

v5.1 [Oct 6, 2015]
Fixed a regression that prevented to easily select an object placed in a selected room.
Fixed a bug that generated wrong SVG files for plans containing texts with the default font.
Fixed a bug that could prevent to reopen a SH3D file saved with its furniture list sorted on Color or Texture columns.
Removed unexpected surfaces displayed at the ground in 3D and matching objects at n-2 levels under the ground.
Fixed wrongly computed cutout of staircases in the upper floor for some layouts.
Fixed some 3D rendering issues on rooms at ground level under Mac OS X with Java 6.
Fixed the management of icons and models referenced more than once in a SH3F or SH3T file edited with the Furniture Library Editor or the Textures Library Editor.
Updated German, Japanese and Swedish help pages.
Upgraded Java 3D to version 1.6.0-pre12 / JOGL 2.3.2 beta for the Mac OS X version run with Java 7 / 8.
Replaced JRE 8u51 by JRE 8u60 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java under Windows.
Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

v5.0 [Feb 16, 2012]
- Added a tool to draw polylines in the plan with various styles.
- Added the ability to display baseboards with wall and room modification panes.
- Made levels possibly not viewable with the new Viewable check box of their modification pane or with the new Make level unviewable menu item.
- Managed levels at the same elevation as layers with an order index that can be set in levels modification pane (may provoke some small changes in existing SH3D files).
- Added Edit > Paste style menu item to modify the style of the selected objects from the object of the same type copied in the clipboard.
- Added Add point to room and Delete point from room menu items in the contextual menu of the plan.
- Added the ability to select objects in furniture groups, edit them and delete them, without the need to ungroup grouped objects.
- Added Furniture > Add to group and Edit > Paste to group menu items to add objects to the selected group.
- Saved expanded groups in the furniture list.
- Added an option in preferences pane to change the default font.
- Added the ability to change the font and the color of free texts in their modification pane, as well as to display them in the 3D view at a given elevation.
- Added $level variable in print setup dialog box to print the name of the printed level in page header or footer.
- Checked the size of the image chosen in the background image and texture import wizards to propose to reduce it if it's very large.
- Proposed directly to save the current home after selecting Sweet Home 3D > Quit menu item under Mac OS X, when only one modified home is opened.
- Displayed an information message once a furniture or textures library import is completed.
- Allowed the pitch angle of the point of view to be between -90° and 90°.
- Accepted 1/8 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 fraction text to be entered when Foot/Inch/Fraction unit is in use.
- Fixed the management of negative values in Foot/Inch/Fraction unit.
- Improved DAE/Collada format support to accept files with missing data.
- Fixed a bug that prevented to render photos at the two highest quality levels when Turkish localization is in use.
- Included Dutch localization written by Gerwin Harmsen and Rob van den Berg.
- Included Traditional Chinese localization written by Lee Shin-Chun.
- Updated French, English and Chinese help pages.
- Upgraded Java 3D to version 1.6.0-pre12 / JOGL 2.3.1 for the Mac OS X version run with Java 7 / 8.
- Replaced JRE 6u45 by JRE 8u51 in Sweet Home 3D installers bundled with Java under Windows.
- Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

v4.6 [Feb 3, 2015]
Version 4.6, February 2, 2015
Fixed printing of textured floors under Mac OS X with Java 7 / 8.
Fixed an issue on the 3D view displayed in a separate window on a second screen under Mac OS X with Java 7 / 8.
Fixed a crash in the furniture import wizard on some configurations running Mac OS X with Java 7 / 8.
Upgraded Java 3D version to 1.6.0-pre11 / JOGL 2.2.4 for the Mac OS X version run with Java 7 / 8.
Increased max memory used by Sweet Home 3D under Windows 64 bit.
Updated certificate used to signed programs.
Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

v4.5 [Oct 23, 2014]
Version 4.5, October 22, 2014
Replaced the Loader3DS library by a new one that better interprets colors, transparency and subparts placing of 3D models at 3DS format (caution: the customization of materials set on furniture at 3DS format in previous versions of Sweet Home 3D will be lost).
Increased to 50 the maximum count of stored points of view.
Added a margin of error to determine whether a piece of furniture overlaps an other one, when a user wants to place it on the top of the second one.
In the furniture list, appended an icon to the name of each piece with a defined information property, and displayed this information in a popup after a click on the icon.
Restored the previous size of the textures choice dialog box when resized.
Cleared search filter in the textures choice dialog box after a texture is imported.
Forced format for sizes exported to CSV format to display decimals instead of inch fractions.
Added an additional spacing to columns of furniture list at print time under Windows for better rendering.
Fixed a bug that could interpret SH3D files with correct imported zipped 3D models as damaged files.
Fixed a bug that prevented side by side alignment of superimposed pieces of furniture to work.
Fixed wrong computation of wall corner on some horizontal walls.
Ensured that the order in which pieces of furniture were added is kept after grouping them.
Fixed the management of mouse cursor during drag and drop operations in the catalog.
Delayed the disposal of the default home to avoid Java 3D fatal error in Mac OS X full screen mode.
Updated Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese Brazilian, Russian and Polish localizations of the help.
Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

v4.4 [Jun 12, 2014]
- Added a search textfield to filter textures and a list of the recently used textures in the textures choice dialog box.
- Added texture rotation support.
- Made the selected material blink in the 3D preview of the Furniture materials modification dialog box.
- Improved text fields used to edit lengths when Foot/Inch/Fraction unit is active.
- Added Edit > Select all at all levels menu item, with feedback in level tabs showing level names outlined with selection color under Java 6 and higher.
- Replaced Select object menu by Toggle selection menu in plan contextual menu when Shift key is pressed.
- Added dropOnTopElevation property to the pieces of catalog furniture to place objects on furniture at a preferred elevation (to simplify the layout of objects upon or below shelves, chairs, trees...).
- Added Furniture > Reset elevation menu item to recompute the preferred elevation of the selected furniture placed on other pieces.
- Added KMZ extension to the list of file extensions supported in the furniture import wizard.
- Added support for sideways moves in the 3D view with the keyboard using Alt left arrow and Alt right arrow keys.
- Avoided data duplicates in SH3D files during saving.
- Checked available disk space before saving under Java 6 and higher.
- Added an option to repair damaged SH3D files with the ability to retrieve corrupted data from Sweet Home 3D catalogs, to remove damaged 3D models and images, or to display them in red.
- Took into account texture image transparency for the ground texture in the 3D view.
- Improved texture transparency management in SunFlow.
- Fixed an issue in SunFlow parameters that could generate some black square dots.
- Added support for import from SH3D files in the Online version, checking which 3D models and textures are available on the server to reduce home data length saved on the server.
- Added a Delete button in the Open dialog box of the Online version to delete homes saved on server.
- Checked home data length doesn't exceed the maximum allowed on the server before saving it in the Online version.
- Added camera, selectableCameras, level and selectableLevels parameters to the Sweet Home 3D Viewer to let the user select some stored points of view and home levels.
- Added activateCameraSwitchKey parameter to disable space bar in Sweet Home 3D Viewer.
- Added the ability to edit the 3D model of a piece of furniture in the Furniture Library Editor.
- Fixed issues in the dependencies of a DAE file when they use spaces, % and # characters.
- Fixed an issue on texture coordinates computed at doors and windows intersection for walls with an angle different of 0° or 90° in the plan.
- Fixed texture coordinates management on the 3D model previewed in Furniture materials pane for small models.
- Checked length of auto completion strings list saved in preferences doesn't pass the maximum allowed value.
- Refused to import the ZIP file of a 3D model containing entries that are not readable.
- Fixed 3D view management to avoid it remaining grey under Windows with Java 7/8.
- Increased the maximum memory to 2 GB used in the Java Web Start version run under Windows and Linux 64 bit systems.
- Displayed the maximum memory set for Java in the About dialog box.
- Updated English, French, German, Swedish, Hungarian and Bulgarian help pages.
- Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

v4.0 [Mar 22, 2013]
Used the Shift key to keep objects moved in the plan aligned along horizontal or vertical axis, and changed the key used to toggle magnetism setting to Alt key under Windows, cmd key under Mac OS X and Shift Alt key under Linux.
Added Materials option in the furniture modification pane to edit the various materials (colors or textures) of the selected furniture.
Improved the color chooser with the ability to choose a color among RAL and Creative Commons palettes, with a pipette tool or in a list displaying colors recently chosen.
Added options in the room modification pane to change the color or the texture of the wall sides surrounding the modified room.
Added Pattern in plan and Top color in 3D view options in the wall modification pane to change the pattern used to draw a wall in the plan and the color used to paint the top of a wall in the 3D view.
Replaced Wall pattern in plan option by New walls pattern in plan option in the user preferences pane.
Added 3 new wall patterns.
Added 3D view > Delete points of view menu item to delete all or some of the stored points of view.
Added 3D view > Create photos at points of view menu item to create photos at a subset of the stored points of view.
Renamed the existing Inch unit as Foot/Inch/Fraction, made it always display the closest 1/8 inch fraction for lengths shown in the furniture table and in the plan, and removed decimals for areas in square feet.
Added to user preferences the Inch/Decimals unit able to display decimals of an inch for lengths shown in the furniture table and in the plan, and for areas in square feet.
Added Furniture > Import texture menu item to improve the access to the texture import wizard.
Added Furniture > Export to CSV format... menu item.
Set 3D view > Display in separate window / Display in main window menu items shortcut to Ctrl Alt Y (cmd alt Y under Mac OS X) and enabled program shortcuts in the separated 3D view.
Added an option to choose whether only the selected items in plan or all home 3D items should be exported to OBJ format.
Added a Check updates at program launch check box and a Check update button to user preferences pane to get information about the available updates of the program and SH3F/SH3T/SH3L/SH3P files.

v3.4 [Dec 21, 2011]
Sweet Home 3D is now able to manage multiple levels, either above the ground, or underground. To create a new level, choose the Plan > Add level menu item. As soon as the home contains more than one level, tabs with their name are displayed at the top of the home plan to let you select the level where items will be drawn. To help you draw the rooms of the upper floor, the walls and ceilings of the lower floor are drawn with a light color and magnetism was greatly improved.
If you want to change the default name or dimensions of a level, you can double click on its tab to edit its attributes with the new level dialog box. This pane presents also the list of existing levels to help you compare home levels to each other.
Levels can be used to manage levels on top of each other, but also intermediate levels, false ceilings, false floors or even layers, the list of level tabs being always maintained in the elevation order.
Similarly to the ability of windows and doors to automatically compute a hole at their intersection with a wall, staircases are able to make a hole in the ceilings and floors of the upper floors they intersect. For example, the following plan shows a staircase going from the ground floor to the first floor, and as the cut out shape of this staircase is round, you'll get automatically a round cut out in the 1st floor.
You can now fine tune the orientation of a model in the second step of the Furniture import wizard, if you keep pressed the shift key when you click on the orientation buttons. The I button in the middle resets the orientation.
t's now easier to select an object displayed under other objects in the plan: just right click in the plan at the location of this object and choose it in the Select object contextual menu that appears.
To change quickly the visibility of a piece of furniture, you can also directly click on its check box in the furniture list, and auto completion support was added to Name text fields to help you type faster repetitive names, suggested words coming from previously entered texts.
Different bugs happening in multiple screens environment were corrected, and dragging catalog furniture onto the plan was fixed in the online version when run under Mac OS X or Linux.

v1.8 [Apr 6, 2009]
You can now lock base plan to select and arrange furniture more easily.
You can now hide background image without deleting it.
You can now export the home plan to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).
Save and compress menu items added to save the current home in a smaller SH3D file for easy file transfer.
A 3D viewer applet added.
Other minor bugs fixes and enhancements.

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